While the findings of Florou and Kosi (2014), Florou et al (2013) and Wu and Zhang (2014) are broadly positive for IFRS, those of Ball et al (2014) (Panel 10.6) are broadly negative. They find, like Tai-Yuan Chen et al (2015), that use of accounting-based debt covenants declines with mandatory IFRS adoption. This does not necessarily imply an inconsistency among the papers as they are looking at different questions. Indeed, as Florou and Kosi (2014) point out, it is possible that the findings of Ball et al (2014) help explain their own. If the mandatory adoption of IFRS makes accounting-based debt covenants less attractive in the case of loans (see Section 10.6), it may also make loans less attractive relative to bonds as a source of debt. The positive effects of mandatory IFRS in relation to bonds may therefore be to some extent a consequence of its negative effects in relation to loans.