a b s t r a c t
The residents living nearby the Sa-sang industrial area (SSIA) continuously were damaged by odorouspollution since 1990s.We determined the concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) [hydrogensulfide (H2S), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS)],nitrogenous compounds (NCs) [ammonia (NH3) and trimethylamine (TMA)], and carbonyl compounds(CCs) [acetaldehyde and butyraldehyde] by instrumental analysis in the SSIA in Busan, Korea from Jun toNov, 2011. We determined odor intensity (OI) based on the concentrations of the odorants and residentmonitoring records (RMR). The mean concentration of H2S was 10-times higher than NCs, CCs and theother RSC. The contribution from RSCs to the OI was over 50% at all sites excluding the A-5 (chemicalproduction) site. In particular, A-4 (food production) site showed more than 8-times higher the sum ofodor activity value (SOAV) than the other sites. This suggested that the A-4 site was the most malodorousarea in the SSIA. From the RMR analysis, the annoyance degree (OI 2) was 51.9% in the industrial area.The ‘Rotten’ smell arising from the RSCs showed the highest frequency (25.3%) while ‘Burned’ and ‘Other’were more frequent than ‘Rotten’ in the residential area. The correlation between odor index calculatedby instrumental analysis and OI from the RMR was analyzed. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) ofthe SOAV was the highest at 0.720 (P < 0.05), and overall results of coefficient showed a moderately highcorrelation distribution range (from 0.465 to 0.720). Therefore, the overall results of this research
แบบ b s t r c tThe residents living nearby the Sa-sang industrial area (SSIA) continuously were damaged by odorouspollution since 1990s.We determined the concentrations of reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) [hydrogensulfide (H2S), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS)],nitrogenous compounds (NCs) [ammonia (NH3) and trimethylamine (TMA)], and carbonyl compounds(CCs) [acetaldehyde and butyraldehyde] by instrumental analysis in the SSIA in Busan, Korea from Jun toNov, 2011. We determined odor intensity (OI) based on the concentrations of the odorants and residentmonitoring records (RMR). The mean concentration of H2S was 10-times higher than NCs, CCs and theother RSC. The contribution from RSCs to the OI was over 50% at all sites excluding the A-5 (chemicalproduction) site. In particular, A-4 (food production) site showed more than 8-times higher the sum ofodor activity value (SOAV) than the other sites. This suggested that the A-4 site was the most malodorousarea in the SSIA. From the RMR analysis, the annoyance degree (OI 2) was 51.9% in the industrial area.The ‘Rotten’ smell arising from the RSCs showed the highest frequency (25.3%) while ‘Burned’ and ‘Other’were more frequent than ‘Rotten’ in the residential area. The correlation between odor index calculatedby instrumental analysis and OI from the RMR was analyzed. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) ofthe SOAV was the highest at 0.720 (P < 0.05), and overall results of coefficient showed a moderately highcorrelation distribution range (from 0.465 to 0.720). Therefore, the overall results of this research
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