The Three-City Study is a French multicenter prospective cohort
investigating the determinants of CHD, stroke, and dementia in
community dwelling elderly participants. The study protocol has
been described previously [14]. Briefly, men and women aged 65
years and older were selected from the electoral rolls of 3 cities and
invited to participate in the study. Overall, 9294 subjects agreed to
participate (3649 men and 5825 women): 2104 in Bordeaux in the
southwest, 4931 in Dijon in the northeast, and 2259 in Montpellier
in the southeast, respectively. The study protocol was approved by
the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Kremlin-Bicêtre,
and each participant gave written informed consent
The Three-City Study is a French multicenter prospective cohortinvestigating the determinants of CHD, stroke, and dementia incommunity dwelling elderly participants. The study protocol hasbeen described previously [14]. Briefly, men and women aged 65years and older were selected from the electoral rolls of 3 cities andinvited to participate in the study. Overall, 9294 subjects agreed toparticipate (3649 men and 5825 women): 2104 in Bordeaux in thesouthwest, 4931 in Dijon in the northeast, and 2259 in Montpellierin the southeast, respectively. The study protocol was approved bythe Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Kremlin-Bicêtre,and each participant gave written informed consent
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