The test development staff corrected all grammatical problems and flagged items for
further content review. A specialist from the Princeton Review further reviewed the test items.
The reviewer spent about one month validating items for grammar, format, and bias. He made
adjustment to questions as needed and worked with an undergraduate research assistant in animal
systems and a former plant science educator to help re-work some of the items. The test
specialist returned 15 items in animal systems and 5 items in plant systems for having content
issues. Agricultural educators at Cornell University did further review. After a thorough review
for content, bias, and grammar, and after the pilot test, 192 animal systems questions and 115
plant systems questions remained in the item banks. The other items were omitted due to content
problems and low correlations with the total test score.
The test development staff corrected all grammatical problems and flagged items forfurther content review. A specialist from the Princeton Review further reviewed the test items.The reviewer spent about one month validating items for grammar, format, and bias. He madeadjustment to questions as needed and worked with an undergraduate research assistant in animalsystems and a former plant science educator to help re-work some of the items. The testspecialist returned 15 items in animal systems and 5 items in plant systems for having contentissues. Agricultural educators at Cornell University did further review. After a thorough reviewfor content, bias, and grammar, and after the pilot test, 192 animal systems questions and 115plant systems questions remained in the item banks. The other items were omitted due to contentproblems and low correlations with the total test score.
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