According to De Dea Lindner et al. (2013), fermented prod- ucts are gaining popularity and acceptance because of their functional benefits. The incorporation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in food and beverages is a global trend, and the func- tional properties of these products have been scientifically demonstrated. New products have been launched, particu- larly non-dairy beverages based on fruit and cereals (Soccol et al., 2012). Beverages containing probiotic strains, for example, represent a promising market. However, the development of this sector is confronted by challenges, such as the appropri- ate processing and subsequent storage methods necessary to guarantee the survival of these microorganisms (Cruz, Antunes, Sousa, Faria, & Saad, 2009).
Although the application of LAB in dairy foods has been widely explored, CW is an innovative matrix for the applica- tion of this microbial group. The aim of this work was to develop an innovative fermented beverage using CW as the main in- gredient which would also be functional due to its intrinsic health properties and natural hydrating qualities. CW can be used as a new non-dairy functional beverage, especially by veg- etarians and lactose intolerant consumers.