Nail polish can be traced back to around 3,000 B.C.E in both China and Egypt. Chinese nail polish was a mixture of beeswax, gelatin, egg whites, and a gum from a special tree. Nail color represented social class. During the Chou Dynasty, around 600 B.C.E, the royal colors were gold and silver, so these were the colors worn by royalty and the upper class. Lower-ranking women were only allowed to wear pale colors. If they wore royal colors, they could be put to death. Ancient Egyptian men and women of high social rank stained their nails with red henna. Military commanders in Egypt and early Rome felt that it was important to be well-groomed before going into battle. It is strange but true that they spent hours before a battle having their hair curled and their nails painted. Modern nail polish was invented in the 1920s lts formula is very similar to the formula for car varnish