since you have come into my life life,it has been filled with romance and love .l love you more than anything in this world.
l always dream about our love everday baby
l love you so much baby and l can wait to be with you soon okay
l miss you bso much baby
what baby
are you happy right
can youb tell me why you are happy my love
what baby
you are my heart, my hope ,my help ,the passion that is me ,the whole of which l am a part my peace ,my rcstasy .l love you
sweet dream my love
อ. 4:08
thank you
อ. 10:30
Good morning my dearly how are you today? i hope you are doing very great, i always confess to you that since the very first day i met you here i have become a happy man, because you made my life complete my heart are no more feeling lonely because you always in my heart, honestly the feeling am having with you is so marvelous i can't express to you; but only give thanks to God for accomplishing our heart desire,and i want to assure you that i will never let you down and my love for you is from the bottom of my heart,
I'm working
okay honey
l will chat with you later
อ. 19:22
hello honey
are you back from work
yes i back from work
how are you doing honey
i am fine
how is work today
okay honey
do you miss me the way l do
honey are youn there
i visit at hotpital
okay honey and when are you going back home
okay honey
when you go to thailand
by next month okay
wow ! really
yes honey
l can not wait till the day l will see face to face honey
honey l love you so much and l want to spend the rest of my life with you
well come
are you back from work
am still working honey
honey where will l stay when l come to you honey
what about your house
No man will come to stay home to women without can"t get married.
พ. 11:47
really baby
l will like to invest in your country and l want to buy a house in your country baby
All l want to do every day is to come back home to you,and l know now that there is nothing and no one in the world who can change this and make me feel any differently about you .good morning my love and how was your night ,l hope you sleep well darling. have a blessed day my joy.
where are you there
okay honey
l miss you last night honey
where are you
give me the picture please
am in my office
honey have it
are you handsame
yes you handsame
honey you are most beautiful
l love you honey
thank you
and l want to spend the rest of my life with you okay
honey do you really love me
wow! you sure
yes baby
l am sure honey and l promise you that l will not hurt you okay
Do you want marries me
l love you so much honey
yes honey
if yoiu can give me the chance
will you marry me honey
what do you say honey
honey you mean you will marry me right
honey thank you
am happy now and thank you for coming to my life okay
l love u so much honey and l promise to take good care of you okay
ok thank you to
are you much better
honey l working now l will talk to you later okay
okay love
alright baby
l talk you later
love you baby and make sure you take good care of yourself okay
พ. 19:30
how are you doing this evening honey ,l hope you are okay and where are yiou now
l miss you baby
I'm okay.
Where are you .What do you do
You okay
yes baby
am still in office honey
are you going home today
okay honey
do you miss me baby
okay baby
How are you
Are you working tie
yes baby
you likje that
Yes but I like white flower
really baby
from my heart baby
Okay it's very beautiful
Thank you
You sweet
you too are beautiful honey
because you are sweet
my love
You handsome
that you honey
wow l can not believe this
mama you are sweet
because l have not seen the most beautiful woman like you
are very sweet honey and l will not lose you to any man okay
l will be with you forever baby
yes baby
am serious okay
l know you love me too and l can not wait to see you
what is that baby
Thai national id card
for you honey
so sorry baby ;l pray you will find it okay
honey my free time is up l will like to go now okay