I challenged myself:, Will I talk about this directly or I will sneak away. But then I overcame my fear..
I turn to the Women on Web flag stand and say,
“Ok, now I will do the translation here. You will find the info from this website, but this is the regimen recommended by WHO….” And after that it was easy enough!! Just the same old thing I have repeated many times on emails, but wasn’t daring to talk about before. I told them about dosages for mifepristone and misoprostol, how to use these drugs, and what to expect.
The girls listened to it attentively, even to the last moment in the session, their eyes glowing. And I thank the brave girl whose questions helped me to overcome this fear!!!
So, this is how I did the workshop. I tried to be indirect but then realized I had to give direct information to those people who needed it. And once I did it directly enough, I seem to be more able to relate to all the girls sitting there.
Thanks for this opportunity that I can look closely into my fear which turns me into the indirect informant and even slip in to be one of those people who scare women away from abortion by talking only about unsafe abortion but not talking clearly about the safe options for abortion that exist.
I grow a little more and fear a little less.