Hello My Team, I am Malik Pervaiz your team leader SFI.
It is important to remember that SFI is a business opportunity and you are building a residual income. That is income you will be paid over and over from a sale made one time. That is a very powerful type of income. It is income you can build on and be paid month after month, year after year. Does it take effort? Of course it does, but it is well worth it.
SFI is not a "get rich quick scheme" and if you have been around the internet very long, you will know that the "get rich quick schemes" are not around for very long. They either run out of money, are mismanaged and go out of business, or get shut down.
It takes time to build a real business and a constant effort. It is important to be persistent. Remember a little saying that I learned a long time ago. If it's to be, it's up to me. Then NEVER EVER give up. Advertise as much as possible and utilize the three foot rule of telling everyone about your online business. Be involved, focused, and excited. Others will feel that excitement and want to be excited too.
You will succeed. Believe in what you are doing and just "do it".
Have a great week!
Malik Pervaiz BTL