Defatted flours of wheat varieties Karl and Jagger, after removing lipids by chloroform, were used to investigate the contribution of lipid to physicochemical properties and Mantou-making quality by comparing microstructure and thermal properties. The results indicated that defatted flours tend to have more single starch granules, higher gelatinization enthalpy, more water absorption, longer pasting peak time, higher peak and hold viscosity, lower setback and breakdown than those of the control. Meanwhile, the defatted flours had improved cooking stability and better ability to withstand mechanical shear stress. The Mantou-making test showed that the volume of Mantou made from defatted flour did not change significantly. C-Cell analyses on the internal crumb grains of Mantou revealed a deterioration in crumb grain characteristics upon removal of lipids from the flours. The grain cells of Mantou became bigger with thicker cell walls upon removal of lipids.