Sunshade from Nova Plast Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
(Nova Odessa, SP, Brazil) with a UV filtration ratio of 50%
was set on the northeast side of the feedlot. This side had naturally
lower insolation during the experimental period due to
orientation of the roof (length) that covers a central corridor
between the pens. The sunshade of 50×9 m was enough to
cover the back and sides of the pens in the feedlot. To block
the reflected sunlight that reached the front part of the
pens, one area covered by sunshade (50×1.5 m) above the
feeding trough was used.
The feedlot is composed of two rows of side-by-side pens
separated by a central corridor that is 3 m in width, with individual
pen areas of 8 m2. In the corridor, the individual
troughs are covered by a roof with a height of 4.5 m and a
width of 8 m.