Optimal Detection
The video detection system shall optimally detect vehicle passage and presence when the MVP sensor is mounted 30 feet (10 m) or higher above the roadway, when the image sensor is adjacent to the desired coverage area, and when the distance to the farthest detection zone locations are not greater than ten (10) times the mounting height of the MVP. The recommended deployment geometry for optimal detection also requires that there be an unobstructed view of each traveled lane where detection is required. Although optimal detection may be obtained when the MVP is mounted directly above the traveled lanes, the MVP shall not be required to be directly over the roadway. The MVP shall be able to view either approaching or receding traffic or both in the same field of view. The preferred MVP sensor orientation shall be to view approaching traffic since there are more high contrast features on vehicles as viewed from the front rather than the rear. The MVP sensor placed at a mounting height that minimizes vehicle image occlusion shall be able to simultaneously monitor a maximum of six (6) traffic lanes when mounted at the road-side or up to eight (8) traffic lanes when mounted in the center with four lanes on each side.