Ipomoea aquatica is a trailing vine with milky sap. Stems are hollow, up to 3m long or more, rooting at the nodes, floating in aquatic situations.” Stone (1970, in PIER, 2003) describes the leaves as being variable but commonly 5-15cm long and 2-10cm wide and oblong-lanceolate (arrowhead shaped) in shape. The flowers are described as being, showy, funnelform like morning-glory blooms, solitary or in few-flowered clusters at leaf axils; petals white to pink-lilac; the fruit as being, an oval or spherical capsule, woody at maturity, about 1cm wide, holding 1-4 grayish seeds, these often short-hairy. Two basic forms (with many cultivars of each) are recognized worldwide for this species “red,” with red-purple tinged stems and pale pink to lilac flowers; and “green,” with fully green stems and white flowers. A single plant of Chinese water spinach may grow taller than 21m and can branch profusely (Langeland K.A. & Burks K.C, 1999).