If you're wondering what a "Second Chance Offer" is, look no further. Read this guide for an explanation and some helpful tips for buyers AND SELLERS!
A lot of folks email me and ask, "What is this 'Second Chance Offer' thing I got from you?". Well, it's simple ...
A "Second Chance Offer" is when the seller of an item has been given the ability (authorized by eBay) to sell you an item you placed a bid on, but didn't win. You can buy the item at your original bid price and all safely done right on eBay (just as if you had won the auction).
Common Questions from buyers:
Why did I get a second chance offer?
You received a second chance offer because the item you bid on is still available (usually because the original winner didn't pay) or the seller may have more of the same item available and they are willing to sell it to you at the amount you bid.
Is it safe to accept second chance offers?
YES. As long as you receive the offer through eBay and you make your purchase through eBay, the process is as safe as winning a normal auction on eBay.
How long does the offer last?
This is set by the seller. The seller can choose a duration ranging from 1 day up to 7 days. Check your offer details to see how long the offer lasts (the ending time will tell you when the offer expires). But remember, a second chance offer is much like a regular auction and the seller can end the item early. So if you get an offer you're interested in, you should not hesitate to accept it.
Why should I accept a second chance offer?
A second chance offer is your chance to WIN the auction at the amount you originally bid. Plus, by nature, you're getting the item at a discount from the winning bid. Example: I bid $163 on an iPod, but it sells for $188. I get a second chance offer ... I want to accept because I'm saving $25 off the winning bid amount!
Can I change my settings to stop receiving "Second Chance Offers"?
Yes. Under your account "Preferences", goto "Buying Notifications" and uncheck "Allow sellers to send me offers through eBay for items that I bid on but did not win". But think about this before you do it ... you may miss a really good offer by turning this setting off.
Tips for sellers:
You can use second chance offers ANYTIME!
Your original buyer doesn't have to fail to pay to use the second chance feature. You can make second chance offers as long as you have more of the same item and you have buyers who accept second chance offers (default setting under preferences). eBay indicates in the bid history of each item who qualifies for a second chance offer. Just one-click and your offer is on its way! This is perfect if you have 3 brand new GE Toaster Ovens and you've only listed one, for example.
Set the duration to 7 days!
It just makes more sense. If you do happen to sell the item inside the 7 days and the bidder hasn't accepted yet, you can always end the item early (it's only available to that bidder so you won't hurt anyone's feelings by doing this).
Send a follow-up email with the second chance offer:
I've doubled my response on second chance offers by sending a quick email explaining WHY I'm offering the item to a losing bidder. It makes the buyer feel more confident about why you're doing it. I usually say something like, "Even though you didn't win, I still a few of these items remaining and I know you wanted one.... "
It's the same as if you would have run a dutch auction (only better, because most likely you locked in a higher bid than you would have with a dutch auction). Just pay the standard final value fees and enjoy!
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