Managed transfers were first introduced into government guidance in 2004 and are generally recognised as the process of moving disaffected students onto new schools or provisions to avoid permanent exclusion. The local authority involved in this study has experienced a significant increase in the number of managed transfers over the past seven years, with the majority of these taking place in the secondary sector. The aim of this research was to provide the local authority with a better understanding of how these managed transfers were working, focusing on the student's experience. This study utilised a sequential mixed-methods design encompassing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In the first stage, the quantitative findings provided the local authority with descriptive statistics on the numbers, outcomes, patterns and characteristics of students placed on managed transfers. It highlighted the importance of quantitative data collection for monitoring managed transfers, influencing policy formation and practice. In the second stage of this study, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse six secondary-aged students' experiences of managed transfers to mainstream secondary schools. The findings revealed a number of pertinent themes and issues which, it was hoped, would enable the local authority to improve and build upon current practice. These were identified as: the importance of including and listening to students' voices in the early stages of a managed transfer; the importance of student reflection during a managed transfer; experiences that enabled students to settle into new placements and students' experiences of transformation and change - See more at: