„I had not compelled to you, in my heart you are in this world the chastest woman, what's wrong, such quickly ganged up with on this boy, does not know that you did have to leave to the bed on?” Although the great nation teachers now are smiling, but everyone can feel his anger.
„Whom do I gang up with and you have the relations?” Women disgruntled looks at the great nation master, in the eye completely loathes.
This loathing makes great nation master complexion cloudier, even that eye slightly blushes, making an effort looks at the woman: „I changed the mind, I also want to make you be my woman willingly, now is to snatch me must let your now Heavenly Ream for my woman.”
„You think that you can prevail, even if is also only a deceased person who you can achieve to obtain.” Woman cold saying.
„You do not know that in this world dies actually every so often is not most fearful, even if were you died, I will also make your body with living am being same, even if were you died, you can also be my, I every night with you in the same place.” The great nation teachers look at the woman cruelly.
Woman complexion slightly white, this really dying is more fearful, but actually also has another means that is meeting a cruel death that die, is only sometimes, fears such, if estimated at that time dies is a luxury.
„An age, human the non- person ghost was not clever, the thought was so dirty evilly ~ wicked, will frighten the little girl, what did you also meet?” The taunt that Qing Shui disdained at this time transmits.
„Boy meets me to make you know that anything does not seek livehood to ask unable, they are your woman, hey” great nation teachers said that finally looks at the vision to Qing Shui behind several females.
The great nation teachers are also surprised, side this boy these many peerless beautiful women, each is not unexpectedly more inferior than the Eastern country teachers, whom even if makes him divide attractively is very more difficult, the man will unable to look through the bustling place forever to place the first man, will be better than money, the previous generation also will be so, the previous generation rich could have the woman, money will be only one has the condition of woman, the woman will be the goal, at least after will be a rich goal.
Qing Shui did not have anything, but hears these words look becomes profound is coldly severe: „Today you will certainly die.”
„Ha!” The great nation teachers noticed that Qing Shui got angry happily has actually smiled, like was hears the funniest joke.
The women are actually strange looks at Qing Shui, the expression on face is also rich, sentiment Qing Shui said that the great nation teachers frighten the little girl are anything, oneself were talked into the little girl by him
„That Eastern young girl, we collaborates to remove him today, do you look what kind of?” Qing Shui turns head to say toward somewhat absent-minded woman.
The women extended snow white element to rub the forehead to make an effort horizontal Qing Shui: „Can hit?”
„How does not try to know, hey, I ensure he does not die also the delamination skin, but he will certainly die, with the toxin, I can also.” Qing Shui said with a smile.