Pressure pain threshold
PPT was measured using an Algometer (Somedic
Production, Algometer type II, Sweden) with a probe
of 1.0 cm2. PPTwas assessed at the two sites described
above for cold pain threshold. The probe was applied
to the reference site, and the pressure was increased at
a rate of 30kPas1 until the participant felt the
sensation changing from the pressure to pain, as
indicated by pressing a button. PPTwas assessed three
times for each site with a 30 s interval between trials,
and the mean of the three trials was used for further
analysis (Slater et al., 2005).
Pressure pain thresholdPPT was measured using an Algometer (SomedicProduction, Algometer type II, Sweden) with a probeof 1.0 cm2. PPTwas assessed at the two sites describedabove for cold pain threshold. The probe was appliedto the reference site, and the pressure was increased ata rate of 30kPas1 until the participant felt thesensation changing from the pressure to pain, asindicated by pressing a button. PPTwas assessed threetimes for each site with a 30 s interval between trials,and the mean of the three trials was used for furtheranalysis (Slater et al., 2005).
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