The objective of this study was to evaluate cooling
to lessen the effects of heat stress during the last 3
wk of gestation on performance and behavior of multiparous
Holstein cows. Twenty nonlactating cows were
randomly assigned to treatments approximately 21 d
before their expected calving date based on mature
equivalent milk production and parity. Treatments
were only imposed during the last 3 wk of gestation and
included heat stress (HT; n = 10) and cooling (CL; n =
10), both under a similar photoperiod (14 h of light and
10 h of dark). Dry cows were housed in a sand-bedded
stall with the stall areas for CL cows equipped with
sprinklers and fans that were on from 0700 to 1900 h,
whereas those for the HT cows were not. After parturition,
all cows were housed in a barn with cooling devices.
Rectal temperatures were measured daily at 1400
h and respiration rates were recorded by counting the
flank movements for 1 min at 1500 h on odd days over
the last 3 wk of gestation to calving. Daily dry matter
intake was measured from –21 d relative to expected
calving to 21 d after calving and milk production was
recorded daily up to 180 d in milk. Behavioral changes
of dry cows were studied continuously for 24 h at –10
d relative to expected calving. The average temperature-humidity
index during the last 3 wk of gestation
was 69.7 and was not significantly different between
treatments. Heat-stressed cows exhibited greater rectal
temperatures (39.5 vs. 39.2°C), greater respiration rates
(70.4 vs. 63.3 breaths/min), and decreased dry matter
intake (13.7 vs. 15.5 kg/d) compared with CL cows.
Compared with HT cows, CL cows produced more milk
during 180 d in milk (40.5 vs. 44.6 kg/d). Heat stress
decreased ruminating (243.2 vs. 282.5 min/d) and
chewing times (390.6 vs. 448.7 min/d) at –10 d before
calving. The CL cows had shorter standing times than
their HT counterparts (390.4 vs. 474.0 min/d). These
results confirm that heat stress abatement in the late
gestation period improves performance of dairy cows in
subsequent lactation.
Key words: heat stress, temperature-humidity index,
transition cow, cooling
The objective of this study was to evaluate coolingto lessen the effects of heat stress during the last 3wk of gestation on performance and behavior of multiparousHolstein cows. Twenty nonlactating cows wererandomly assigned to treatments approximately 21 dbefore their expected calving date based on matureequivalent milk production and parity. Treatmentswere only imposed during the last 3 wk of gestation andincluded heat stress (HT; n = 10) and cooling (CL; n =10), both under a similar photoperiod (14 h of light and10 h of dark). Dry cows were housed in a sand-beddedstall with the stall areas for CL cows equipped withsprinklers and fans that were on from 0700 to 1900 h,whereas those for the HT cows were not. After parturition,all cows were housed in a barn with cooling devices.Rectal temperatures were measured daily at 1400h and respiration rates were recorded by counting theflank movements for 1 min at 1500 h on odd days overthe last 3 wk of gestation to calving. Daily dry matterintake was measured from –21 d relative to expectedcalving to 21 d after calving and milk production wasrecorded daily up to 180 d in milk. Behavioral changesof dry cows were studied continuously for 24 h at –10d relative to expected calving. The average temperature-humidityindex during the last 3 wk of gestationwas 69.7 and was not significantly different betweentreatments. Heat-stressed cows exhibited greater rectaltemperatures (39.5 vs. 39.2°C), greater respiration rates(70.4 vs. 63.3 breaths/min), and decreased dry matterintake (13.7 vs. 15.5 kg/d) compared with CL cows.Compared with HT cows, CL cows produced more milkduring 180 d in milk (40.5 vs. 44.6 kg/d). Heat stressdecreased ruminating (243.2 vs. 282.5 min/d) andchewing times (390.6 vs. 448.7 min/d) at –10 d beforecalving. The CL cows had shorter standing times thantheir HT counterparts (390.4 vs. 474.0 min/d). Theseresults confirm that heat stress abatement in the lategestation period improves performance of dairy cows insubsequent lactation.Key words: heat stress, temperature-humidity index,transition cow, coolingINTRODUCTION
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