Track 5: Yuuta thinks to himself that Naoto is late coming home. And he actually decides to make some rice for dinner! ("Yuuta: If... I want to do it, I can do it.") And grumbles to himself that Naoto should have called especially since with the recent incidents he (Yuuta) would get worried.
Track 6: The level head (Who's called Tachibana) tells Naoto that he's very mature - most people would be selfish, but Naoto really thinks for other people's sake. He tells Naoto it's ok if he wants to reject Nogami's mom's request outright, and asks Naoto what he thinks friendship is. He says Naoto wouldn't have thought of wanting to come to school if he hadn't had good friends. Whereas Nogami as a first year probably wouldn't have such good friends he could rely on. (And then comes this following scene which I find VERY interesting...)
Naoto: To be frank, when I first came back to school, everyone was very clearly apprehensive around me.... it made me feel a bit uncomfortable, and for a moment I wondered if I came back too early. But Nakano very naturally told me, "Welcome back!"
Tachibana: Is it class 2's Nakano Daiki-kun?
Naoto: Sensei, you actually know his full name!
Tachibana: I am Class 2's Vice-form teacher after all.
Naoto: Ah, that's true, how silly of me.
(Though I may be reading too much into things, it makes me wonder whether there's anything going on with Nakano and Tachibana. XD I mean, it seems like a very random thing to keep in, especially in a drama cd where they usually have to cut things out of the script, right?)
Then they talk lightly about how big of a commotion Masaki made when he sent Naoto to school. (Naot: "I made him put me down before arriving at the school though."--> My dear Naoto, you miss the point! XD) Tachibana mentions that when Masaki was in high school, he was known as a kendo champion nicknamed "Seiryuu of the East". Naoto is sad to think that Masaki gave up university and kendo for him and Yuuta. And he also thinks that Tachibana doesn't look solely at Masaki's appearance, but looks beyond that, and so he decides to ask him a question he's been wondering for a while - if he thinks that someone's psychiatric pain can be lessened by another. Naoto wonders if it was his and Masaki's fault that Yuuta wasn't cured. Tachibana thinks it's worth trying to help even if you might not get the result you desire. Naoto asks if he thinks that means the result is not only important but also the process, and the teacher affirms this, saying that while the result might be fact, it may not be the truth. (Tachibana: "Even if there's only one fact, there won't be only one truth. one view of this is that the differences between values may twist (lit. worsen it) the truth of the matter.") Naoto flashbacks to his mother's supposed suicide and Masaki saying she didn't commit suicide. He thinks that Masaki thinks of it as an accident, Yuuta thinks it's Masaki's fault, and as for Naoto himself...he recalls Sayaka telling their mom to go die. He thinks they may never know the truth. And he thinks teacher might be telling him that since Yuuta keeps all his thoughts to himself and refuses to say anything, nothing changes. Tachibana says the importance is not to think of the outcome, but to "do your best". (With the latter said in English, which I thought was rather random. :p)
Track 7: When Naoto returns home, he's greeted by Yuuta who scolds him for being late and is shocked since Yuuta normally won't come out of his room unless Naoto knocks on his door first. Naoto realises it's really late and worries that they'll have to wait really long to eat. (Does he take one hour to cook rice? 0_o I understand if cooking the side dishes takes a while, but wouldn't he be cooking rice at the same time as the dishes, so it wouldn't be the rice's fault for delaying dinner?) And then when he approaches the rice cooker he realises that the rice has already been cooked - Yuuta did it! Naoto is really happy. Yuuta thinks to himself about how he should ask Masaki to get Naoto a handphone so that it'll be easier to contact him. (It's really cute because Yuuta has this whole long internal monolgue where you can see he worries for Naoto's safety. ^_^)
Track 8: Nogami's mom comes back and he bemoans his misfortune at being caught up in the attacks - he doesn't want to go back to school and be the topic of rumours. And here we can see another case of "why me" going on. -_- He thinks it's unfair that Naoto has Ohsaka and Masaki to protect him. (Oh please. Yoshihara-sensei, I know you want to emphasise that one of the central issues in this book is how victims have the tendency to feel overly self-pitiful and begrudge others for not being as "pitiful" as them, as well as that others have a tendency to undermine the seriousness of the pain and hurt that some victims have gone through, with the faulty thinking that the victims are "lucky" that things weren't worse, but do you have to emphasise this so MUCH!?) He has heard that after the incidents, lots of rumours have been spreading about Naoto's family background, and he wonders how Naoto can bear going back to school and being the topic of discussion. He thinks that everyone must think that he's weak, since compared to him, the third year actually wants to go back to school even though he can't and naoto went to school with crutches, while he stays shut up at home. He thinks everyone must think he's a loser. He pleads for anyone to tell him the secret as to Naoto's strength.
Track 5: Yuuta thinks to himself that Naoto is late coming home. And he actually decides to make some rice for dinner! ("Yuuta: If... I want to do it, I can do it.") And grumbles to himself that Naoto should have called especially since with the recent incidents he (Yuuta) would get worried.
Track 6: The level head (Who's called Tachibana) tells Naoto that he's very mature - most people would be selfish, but Naoto really thinks for other people's sake. He tells Naoto it's ok if he wants to reject Nogami's mom's request outright, and asks Naoto what he thinks friendship is. He says Naoto wouldn't have thought of wanting to come to school if he hadn't had good friends. Whereas Nogami as a first year probably wouldn't have such good friends he could rely on. (And then comes this following scene which I find VERY interesting...)
Naoto: To be frank, when I first came back to school, everyone was very clearly apprehensive around me.... it made me feel a bit uncomfortable, and for a moment I wondered if I came back too early. But Nakano very naturally told me, "Welcome back!"
Tachibana: Is it class 2's Nakano Daiki-kun?
Naoto: Sensei, you actually know his full name!
Tachibana: I am Class 2's Vice-form teacher after all.
Naoto: Ah, that's true, how silly of me.
(Though I may be reading too much into things, it makes me wonder whether there's anything going on with Nakano and Tachibana. XD I mean, it seems like a very random thing to keep in, especially in a drama cd where they usually have to cut things out of the script, right?)
Then they talk lightly about how big of a commotion Masaki made when he sent Naoto to school. (Naot: "I made him put me down before arriving at the school though."--> My dear Naoto, you miss the point! XD) Tachibana mentions that when Masaki was in high school, he was known as a kendo champion nicknamed "Seiryuu of the East". Naoto is sad to think that Masaki gave up university and kendo for him and Yuuta. And he also thinks that Tachibana doesn't look solely at Masaki's appearance, but looks beyond that, and so he decides to ask him a question he's been wondering for a while - if he thinks that someone's psychiatric pain can be lessened by another. Naoto wonders if it was his and Masaki's fault that Yuuta wasn't cured. Tachibana thinks it's worth trying to help even if you might not get the result you desire. Naoto asks if he thinks that means the result is not only important but also the process, and the teacher affirms this, saying that while the result might be fact, it may not be the truth. (Tachibana: "Even if there's only one fact, there won't be only one truth. one view of this is that the differences between values may twist (lit. worsen it) the truth of the matter.") Naoto flashbacks to his mother's supposed suicide and Masaki saying she didn't commit suicide. He thinks that Masaki thinks of it as an accident, Yuuta thinks it's Masaki's fault, and as for Naoto himself...he recalls Sayaka telling their mom to go die. He thinks they may never know the truth. And he thinks teacher might be telling him that since Yuuta keeps all his thoughts to himself and refuses to say anything, nothing changes. Tachibana says the importance is not to think of the outcome, but to "do your best". (With the latter said in English, which I thought was rather random. :p)
Track 7: When Naoto returns home, he's greeted by Yuuta who scolds him for being late and is shocked since Yuuta normally won't come out of his room unless Naoto knocks on his door first. Naoto realises it's really late and worries that they'll have to wait really long to eat. (Does he take one hour to cook rice? 0_o I understand if cooking the side dishes takes a while, but wouldn't he be cooking rice at the same time as the dishes, so it wouldn't be the rice's fault for delaying dinner?) And then when he approaches the rice cooker he realises that the rice has already been cooked - Yuuta did it! Naoto is really happy. Yuuta thinks to himself about how he should ask Masaki to get Naoto a handphone so that it'll be easier to contact him. (It's really cute because Yuuta has this whole long internal monolgue where you can see he worries for Naoto's safety. ^_^)
Track 8: Nogami's mom comes back and he bemoans his misfortune at being caught up in the attacks - he doesn't want to go back to school and be the topic of rumours. And here we can see another case of "why me" going on. -_- He thinks it's unfair that Naoto has Ohsaka and Masaki to protect him. (Oh please. Yoshihara-sensei, I know you want to emphasise that one of the central issues in this book is how victims have the tendency to feel overly self-pitiful and begrudge others for not being as "pitiful" as them, as well as that others have a tendency to undermine the seriousness of the pain and hurt that some victims have gone through, with the faulty thinking that the victims are "lucky" that things weren't worse, but do you have to emphasise this so MUCH!?) He has heard that after the incidents, lots of rumours have been spreading about Naoto's family background, and he wonders how Naoto can bear going back to school and being the topic of discussion. He thinks that everyone must think that he's weak, since compared to him, the third year actually wants to go back to school even though he can't and naoto went to school with crutches, while he stays shut up at home. He thinks everyone must think he's a loser. He pleads for anyone to tell him the secret as to Naoto's strength.
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