So what happens
No more arguments ( and Frodo probably had a 100 more) Frodo is leaving the Shire and heading to Bree to meet up with Strider.
Strider is later revealed to be Aragorn but people in the area just call him Strider.
He is a Ranger from Dunedain who are sort of like Police/Militia. Their job is to be on the look out for Orcs and be ready for when Sauron shows up.
Aragorn sort of explains the whole situation and Frodo is not in a good place at the moment because Frodo is being hunted.
Frodo goes to Rivendell
Frodo gets wounded while trying to fight the Captain of the 9. Unlike the movie
He gets rushed to Rivendel and unlike the movie Arwin DOESN”T COME TO HIS RESCUE. Aragorn rushes him not Arwin.
This is when we meet Elrond.
Elrond is vary old he explains that he has been around since the Elder Days which is even Before Isildor, the guy that had the Ring before Gollum.
Elrond is probably the one Elf next to Galadriel that knows more about the Ring then even Gandolf does.
The council of Elrond starts and they debate first over who is who Boromir has his ego trip vs Aragorn and Elrond ( Not Lagoles) stands up says “ Aragorn is your king now sit down and shut up.”
They debate again over what to do with this ring.
6 Choices to Make
Take the Ring to Mordor and destroy it.
Use it
Through it into the Sea
Give it to Tom Bombadil (another character in the story who lives in the woods and is a little weird)
Hide it
Break the ring using normal methods
The first option is the only real option
Using it is out of the question
Throwing it into the sea is just going to bring it back and we are back to dealing with Sauron again
Tom Bombadil is more then likely going to lose it in which case its just going to go straight to Sauron
Hiding it is just going to prove to be too much trouble
Nothing on the planet outside of Mordor can really destroy it
The Fellowship
So Frodo, Gimlu, Aragorn, Lagoles and the rest head to Mordor to destroy the ring.
Along the way Gandolf dies protecting them in the Mines of Moria which is overrun with Orcs and Goblins.
Boromir then becomes obsessed with the Ring
Frodo puts on the ring after Boromir attacks him and Frodo sees everything Sauron is going to do and Sauron sees him and an Orc attack begins.