Table 2
Scales used, variables, and respondent means.
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
Scale Code Variable Mean
Financial literacy Q18 Concerned with managing their money better. 3.58
Q19 Takes notes and controls all personal expenses (e.g., worksheet of income and monthly expenses,
financial notebook).
Q20 Sets financial goals that influence financial management (e.g., save a specific amount in a year, avoid
Q21 Follows a budget or a weekly or monthly expense plan. 2.88
Q22 Lasts more than a month without taking stock of costs. 2.17
Q23 Is satisfied with own system to control finances. 3.01
Q24 Pays bills with no delay. 3.31
Q25 Is able to identify costs of what is bought on credit (e.g., embedded interest). 3.25
Q26 Uses credit cards because no money is available to cover some expenses. 2.28
Q27 When buying on credit, makes comparison among available credit options (e.g., installments directly
with the store, installments on credit card).
Q28 More than 10% of next month income is invested with credit bills (except for housing and automobiles). 2.80
Q29 Pays credit card bill completely to avoid finance charges (interest and fines). 3.93
Q30 Checks credit card bills to examine errors and unauthorized charges. 3.84
Financial literacy Q31 Saves money every month. 2.68
Q32 Saves to buy more expensive products (e.g., car, flat). 2.75
Q33 Has a financial reserve greater than or equal to three times monthly income that can be used in
unexpected cases (e.g., unemployment, sickness).
Q34 Compares prices when buying something. 3.52
Q35 Analyzes personal finances in depth before making any major purchase. 3.46
Q36 Buys impulsively. 3.52
Q37 Prefers to buy something in installments than to save and buy it in cash. 2.48
Risk perception Q39 Spends a great amount of money on the lottery. 3.24
Q40 Accepts being a guarantor for someone. 3.65
Q41 Spends money impulsively, without thinking of the consequences. 3.87
Q42 Invests in businesses that have great chances of not working well. 3.83
Q43 Lends a great proportion of personal income to a friend or relative. 3.64
Risk behavior Q44 Spends a large amount of money on the lottery. 1.51
Q45 Accepts being a guarantor for someone. 1.79
Q46 Spends money impulsively, without thinking of the consequences. 1.96
Q47 Invests in business that have great chances of not working well. 1.73
Q48 Lends a great proportion of personal income money to a friend or relative. 2.06
Emotions Q49 I would feel ashamed. 3.53
Q50 I would feel nervous. 4.05
Q51 I would feel depressed. 3.61
Q52 My sleep would be affected. 3.73
Q53 My dietary habits would be affected. 3.39
Q54 I would drink more than usual. 1.87
Q55 I would smoke more than usual. 1.67
Q56 My family relation would suffer. 2.71
Q57 My relations with friends would be harmed. 2.43
Q58 My professional income would decrease. 2.83
Q59 My school performance would be affected. 2.76
Materialism Q60 I admire people who possess expensive houses, cars, and clothes. 3.03
Q61 I like to spend money on expensive things. 2.30
Q62 My life would be much better if I had things I actually do not have. 2.89
Q63 Buying gives me pleasure. 3.19
Q64 I would be happier if I could buy more things. 3.29
Q65 I like to possess things to impress other people. 2.14
Q66 I like to have a lot of luxury in my life. 2.11
Q67 It bothers me when I cannot buy everything I want. 2.75
Q68 Spending much money is among the most important things in my life. 1.78
Indebtedness Q70 It is not correct to spend more money than I make. 4.18
Q71 It is better to gather money first and then spend it. 3.90
Q72 I know exactly how much I owe in stores, in credit cards, or to the bank. 3.99
Q73 I think it is normal for people to be in debt to pay their bills. 2.14
Q74 I would rather buy in installments than to wait to gather money to buy in cash. 2.73
Q75 It is important to know how to control the expenses in my house. 4.30
Q76 I would rather pay in installments even if the total is more expensive. 2.33
Q77 People would be disappointed with me if they knew I had a debt. 2.54
Q78 There is no problem to have a debt if I know I can pay it. 3.36
Money values Q82 Money helps me to be happy. 3.37
(continued on next page)
S.A.M. Flores, K.M. Vieira / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 3 (2014) 1–10 7
Table 2 (continued)
Scale Code Variable Mean
Q83 The one who has money also has authority over others. 2.24
Q84 Money generates suspicion among people. 3.30
Q85 Spiritual rewards are more important than money. 3.53
Q86 Money causes distress. 2.95
Q87 Money builds a better place. 3.11
Q88 Those who have money are valued socially. 3.63
Q89 I would invest money in scientific research. 2.96
Q90 I will be completely realized when I reach the situation I set for myself.