To promote public understanding of environmental problems and natural disasters through data monitoring and visualization, and to disseminate the value-added data, as well as information about the best practices which offer potential solutions to those problems.
•To promote the public understanding of natural disasters and environmental problems through visualization of real-time monitoring and historical data.
•To add value to existing and under utilized global, regional and local environmental data resources through the development of networks and Internet/WorldWideWeb tools which can integrate and manipulate multiple data sets.
•To develop, utilize, and demonstrate user-freindly, graphical interfaces that allow visualization of data in a way that is understandable by the population at large
•To identify and disseminate information about the best practices which provide appropriate solutions to environmental problems and natural disaster mitigation.
Globalwatch/Fire Station Earth operates under the aegis of The Learning Guild, a Massachusetts registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.