Numerous reports concerning the action of the GHR have been presented in the last decade including: (1) the mechanism by which GH interacts with the GHR; (2) development of a GHR antagonist; (3) mice in which the GHR gene has been ubiquitously or conditionally disrupted; and (4) clinical manifestation of mutations in the GHR. We have now entered the ‘omics’ era including but not limited to genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Genes, proteins, and metabolites that are up-or down-regulated as a function of GH action (or lack thereof) will add to the repertoire of knowledge concerning the molecular basis of GH action. With such a fruitful display of results within the last decade, one can be positively optimistic and enthusiastic that the next 10 years will be packed with additional intriguing and captivating reports concerning the interaction of GH with the GHR and subsequent biological effects.