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What I'm looking for in a potential bride: Firstly some basic criteria must be met: Age 24-30, cannot be a smoker, heavy drinker, or drug user, can not be divorced, and does not already have children. How she looks isn't as important to me as what is between her ears - she must be well grounded and sensible, calm and relaxed. Also at least a reasonable ability in english is a requirement. I'm very conservative in my views of marriage, I intend to marry once and once only - so I have to make sure it is to the right woman. To me marriage is all about giving, and it must go both ways, if one person is giving and the other one isn't - it simply isn't going to work, and the last thing I want to have for my children is a broken marriage. Another thing that is important to me is not just how good a wife will my spouse be, but also how good a mother she will be to our children