The population for qualitative research.
Population and key informant s.
1. Population.
Population , leasing business companies in Thailand. The information from the Department of Business Development. The population was 433 at the 2007 ERA, which was
officially registered by the word leasing company or financial services.
2. Key informants
Key informants choose from a company engaged in the leasing business of the year 2007
in order to meet the representatives of the leasing business and. The major contributors to the above method selected from the population by purposive selection (Bloor, M. and Wood, F., 2006; Flick
U., 2006; Marshall C. and Rossman, GB, 2006) and voluntary which is consistent with this
approach research to Schmit, M. and Stuyck, J., (2002).
Methods of data collection.
The data were collected by researcher because in-dept interviews need for specialization to obtain the information required to complete objectives. There are 2 levels of data that is 1) a personal level, including the opinion of the account responsible leasing business and 2) the level of companies' accounting policies. Accounting practice and the leasing company's performance.