Our sales year is Jan-Dec. I often get requests for returns very late in the year, and when I tried to push these through last year before Dec 31, I got instructed quite clearly by both our UK and US offices that it’s not possible (the focus of the staff in the customer service divisions is on getting books out for the Christmas markets). So we agreed that if I set Halloween (October 31) as a final deadline for accepting returns then they would guarantee that the credits will be processed before year end. This applies mainly to Hachette US, but I’m also going to apply it to Hachette UK as well. It’s just easier to be consistent across the group wherever possible.
I’ll still accept returns after this date, but I can’t guarantee that the credits will be processed by year end.
There’s really no change from last year apart from setting this date.
Re invoices, I’m afraid I’m going to be firm this year. I just don’t have the time to be applying invoice numbers on your behalf. It took me nearly a week of my own time in the evenings doing it last year. You’re the only customer who doesn’t supply these, and I can’t do it again. It’s Kinokuniya’s responsibility to provide the information required.