3.Result and discussion
The main results of the validation of the analysis are as follows. The linearity was tested in the range of 0.150to 150 Mg/ml. The limit of quantification was evaluated for a signal to noise ratio of 10 at a concentration of 10 to 30 ng/g depending on food matrix. The reproducibility of the whole analysis was tested with nine repeated experiments giving a relative standard deviation of 40% . The recovery was calculated for all samples using the stable isotope labelled acrylamide. The recovery ranged between 55% and 99% with most of the samples having a recovery between 85% and 95%. A sample chromatogram is given in Fig.1 which shows an extract of potato crisps. For determination, the signal of m/z=72 was used for acrylamide. The internal standard C3-acrylamide was detected at m/z=75.