We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of $11.01 for your Order 107-2029728-0689000.
This refund is for the following item(s):
Item: real Techniques Travel Essentials Set
Quantity: 1
Reason for refund: Account adjustment
Here's the breakdown of your refund for this item:
Item Refund: $11.59
Item Promotion Deduction*: ($0.58)
* About Promotions:
Your refund reflects the amount paid for the given item(s) after any promotions were applied. Examples of promotions/discounts include Free Shipping, Buy 3 Get 1 Free, 10% off your order, etc.
Any refundable promotions in this refund have been credited to your account.
We'll apply your refund to the following payment method(s):