Corporate scenarios are pro forma (estimated future) balance sheets and income statements
that forecast the effect each alternative strategy and its various programs will likely have on
division and corporate return on investment. (Pro forma financial statements are discussed in
Chapter 12.) In a survey of Fortune 500 firms, 84% reported using computer simulation models
in strategic planning. Most of these were simply spreadsheet-based simulation models
dealing with what-if questions.76
The recommended scenarios are simply extensions of the industry scenarios discussed in
Chapter 4. If, for example, industry scenarios suggest the probable emergence of a strong
market demand in a specific country for certain products, a series of alternative strategy scenarios
can be developed. The alternative of acquiring another firm having these products in
that country can be compared with the alternative of a green-field development (e.g., building
new operations in that country). Using three sets of estimated sales figures (Optimistic, Pessimistic,
and Most Likely) for the new products over the next five years, the two alternatives
can be evaluated in terms of their effect on future company performance as reflected in the
company’s probable future financial statements. Pro forma balance sheets and income statements
can be generated with spreadsheet software, such as Excel, on a personal computer. Pro
forma statements are based on financial and economic scenarios.