Watchful waiting: role of disease progression on uncertainty and depressive symptoms in patients with chronic Hepatitis C
Summary. Background and aims: new therapies for HCV are rapidly emerging and providers are advising select patients to defer treatment and elect ‘watchful waiting’. During the watchful waiting period, patients have been shown to have high rates of illness uncertainty and depression. We sought to answer the question of whether reassuring histological data (showing minimal fibrosis or no fibrosis progression over time) is associated with less illness uncertainty and depressive symptoms. Methods: This was a single-center outpatient prospective cohort study to determine whether stage of fibrosis, fibrosis progression and reasons for treatment deferral were related to illness uncertainty and depressive symptoms in patients following watchful waiting Results: Illness uncertainty was significantly related to depressive symptoms(r=0.49,P<0.01).
More than half of the participants (54%) had moderate levels of uncertainty. About 40% of the participants were at risk for clinical depression (21.7% at mild to moderate risk and 18.5% at high risk). Treatment naïve subjects had lower mean scores on both the CES-D (depressive symptoms measure) and the MUIS-A (illness uncertainty measure) total score. MUIS-A Ambiguity subscale and MUIS –A Inconsistency subscale than subjects who failed treatment or were interferon intolerant or ineligible. Surprisingly, liver fibrosis stage and progression were not significantly associated with overall illness uncertainty or depressive symptoms. Conclusion: patients with chronic hepatitis C on watchful waiting are at high risk for significant illness uncertainty and depressive symptoms. Reassuring histological data does not seem to correlate with less uncertainty or depressive symptoms.
Hepatitis C (HCV) is a worldwide public health problem, with an estimated 130-170 million people infected and approximately 4 million new infections each year[1].Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is the leading indication for liver transplantation and leads to more than 15000 hepatitis C-related deaths annually in the United States (2,3). While CHC can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, disease can progress slowly or not at all in some patients with mean time to cirrhosis of 30 years and nonprogression in almost one-third of patients [4-10]
Abbreviations: CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; CHC, Chronic hepatitis C; HCV, Hepatitis C virus; MUIS-A, Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale; SD, standard deviation.
For slow or nonprogressors, a reasonable management strategy is watchful waiting (treatment is deferred with at least annual visits with a medical provider for monitoring).
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