We used the Mann–Whitney U-test to compare the most
abundant guilds of bats (frugivorous, nectarivores, aerial
insectivores and gleaning animalivores) between logged and
unlogged forests (Zar, 1996). Only abundance data for bats
captured with mist nets were included in this analysis. The
abundances were obtained by dividing the number of individuals
captures for each trophic guild by the sampling effort for
each study with data available. The mist net sampling effort
obtained in the studies (Table 1) were standardized in met m2 h
(sensu Straube and Bianconi, 2002).
We used ArcGis 9.3 (ESRI, 2009)to draw the distribution map
of studies (Fig. 1). To generate the map, we used the geographic
coordinates provided in each study. When this information
was not available, we used Google Earth to obtain approximate
coordinates of the study areas, using as reference characteristics
that could be easily identified in the images, such as rivers,
protected areas, cities, and roads, which were mentioned in
the papers.