Functional and nutraceutical foods are becoming popular all over
the world owing to their health promoting perspectives. There are
several traditional plants, used as a therapeutic carrier for different
physiological threats. Investigation through diet based therapies,
elucidate the significance of these traditional plants including garlic,
onion, black cumin, green tea, ginger, peanut etc., however, several
avenues are yet to be explored for researchers[1]. Pakistan being diverse
in indigenous phphytocoenosium has such types of traditional plants
that are contributing to health
Introduction Functional and nutraceutical foods are becoming popular all overthe world owing to their health promoting perspectives. There areseveral traditional plants, used as a therapeutic carrier for differentphysiological threats. Investigation through diet based therapies,elucidate the significance of these traditional plants including garlic,onion, black cumin, green tea, ginger, peanut etc., however, severalavenues are yet to be explored for researchers[1]. Pakistan being diversein indigenous phphytocoenosium has such types of traditional plantsthat are contributing to health
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