How nursing care is organized and delivered can also affect
the efficacy and safety of delegation. Consider nursing home
staffing in which there may only be one RN serving as the supervisor, an LPN administering medications and treatment to
30 or more residents, and three nursing assistants, each of whom
provides direct care to 10 residents. Based on the definitions of
responsibility, authority, and accountability, can the one RN
be accountable for safe, quality outcomes? It seems unlikely.
Staffing and the availability of RNs in nursing homes creates
ongoing circumstances in which LPNs delegate nursing tasks to
UAP, even when they know their state’s NPA does not permit
such delegation
How nursing care is organized and delivered can also affectthe efficacy and safety of delegation. Consider nursing homestaffing in which there may only be one RN serving as the supervisor, an LPN administering medications and treatment to30 or more residents, and three nursing assistants, each of whomprovides direct care to 10 residents. Based on the definitions ofresponsibility, authority, and accountability, can the one RNbe accountable for safe, quality outcomes? It seems unlikely.Staffing and the availability of RNs in nursing homes createsongoing circumstances in which LPNs delegate nursing tasks toUAP, even when they know their state’s NPA does not permitsuch delegation
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