Thanks to the advantage to combine different approaches: a) modern ESP teaching techniques and new specific of teaching process organization in the information and education environment by means of ICT are taken into account; b) the integration of professional-oriented foreign language teaching in the context of the general vocational training is provided; c) the orientation on the students’ personality-creative development is realized; c) the contribution to the development of students’ reflection is made.
Next advantage of NBETP is in the variety of purposes and objectives to be achieved. The central purpose of the developed NBETP is to create information and education environment the involvement in which facilitates the increase of the ESP learning process efficiency. Four main problems have to be solved to achieve the mentioned above purpose. They are systemized into four groups in accordance with the criteria of activities. The first group of problems to be solved is the methodological one: the improvement of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. The second group is aimed at motivation encouragement of students’ self-study and independent work both in class and at home. The third group of problems is targeted at shaping of conscious and activity approach to ESP learning. The fourth group of problems cantered on self-discipline elaboration facilitates the development of professional reflection.