Read the following instructions and underline the sequence words.
First, you get all the ingredients together. Secondly, wash the rice well and boil for 2 minutes in cups of water. Next, drain. After that, bring milk to boil, add rice and vanilla bean. Then, simmer covered for 20 minutes, add 1 cup sugar and vanilla essence if using, and gently stir until sugar dissolves. Now, turn into serving bowl or dish, and cut the lemons into thin slices and boil them for 3 minutes. Drain. Finally, place lemon slices on rice and serve hot or cold.
The following table summarizes the most common sequence words used in writing instructions. Fill the spaces up with the sequence words in Example 1 above.
First step. In-Between Steps. Last Step
Firstly First of all To begin with Thirdly Last Lastly At last