In The old daysmen used to worship stocksand stones and idols,and pray การแปล - In The old daysmen used to worship stocksand stones and idols,and pray กาลิเชียน วิธีการพูด

In The old daysmen used to worship

In The old days

men used to worship stocks

and stones and idols,

and prayed to them to give them luck.

It happened that

a man had often prayed to a wooden idol

he received from his father,

but his luck never seemed to change..

He prayed and he prayed,

but still he remained as unlucky as ever.

One day in the greatest rage

He went to the Wooden God,

and with one blow

swept it down from its pedestal.

The idol broke in two,

and what did he see?

An immense number of coins flying all over the place.
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ผลลัพธ์ (กาลิเชียน) 1: [สำเนา]
nos vellos tempos

homes adoitaban adorar stocks

e pedras e ídolos,

e rezou con eles para lles dar sorte.

sucedeu que

un home que tiña moitas veces orou a un ídolo de madeira

el recibiu de o seu pai,

, pero a sorte nunca pareceu cambiar ..

el orou e orou,

, pero aínda permaneceu como azaroso como sempre.

un día de grande furor

el foi para o deus de madeira,

e cun golpe

varrida para abaixo do seu pedestal.

o ídolo partiuse en dous,

eo que viu?

un inmenso número de moedas voando por todo o lugar.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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