In regards to seasonal distribution of the more virulent genotypes,
there was a statistically significant difference (P b 0.05) in prevalence
among the Gulf isolates between each three month period examined:
3.4%, 22%, 42%, and 59% of V. vulnificus isolates had the virulent genotype
during Feb–Mar, Apr–Jun, Jul–Sep, and Oct–Dec, respectively. In the
Atlantic, a significant (P b 0.05) seasonal difference in prevalence of
virulent genotypes was observed from the Apr–Jun (no virulent types
detected) and Jul–Sep (21% of V. vulnificus isolates with the virulent
genotype) periods. However, no significant difference (P = 0.507)
was seen between the Apr–Jun and Oct–Dec periods (5.4% of
V. vulnificus isolates with the virulent genotype) and a marginally significant
difference (P = 0.065) was seen between the Jul–Sep and Oct–Dec periods.
In regards to seasonal distribution of the more virulent genotypes,there was a statistically significant difference (P b 0.05) in prevalenceamong the Gulf isolates between each three month period examined:3.4%, 22%, 42%, and 59% of V. vulnificus isolates had the virulent genotypeduring Feb–Mar, Apr–Jun, Jul–Sep, and Oct–Dec, respectively. In theAtlantic, a significant (P b 0.05) seasonal difference in prevalence ofvirulent genotypes was observed from the Apr–Jun (no virulent typesdetected) and Jul–Sep (21% of V. vulnificus isolates with the virulentgenotype) periods. However, no significant difference (P = 0.507)was seen between the Apr–Jun and Oct–Dec periods (5.4% ofV. vulnificus isolates with the virulent genotype) and a marginally significantdifference (P = 0.065) was seen between the Jul–Sep and Oct–Dec periods.
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