In the meeting you wish to propose increased expenditures in R&D for the next two years. You also need two new engineers (in stress analysis and thermal dynamics) for these advanced projects. You feel that a reduction in manufacturing costs, less overtime, and reducing advertising budgets will allow for this. You feel that the current problems are due to stagnant, low-risk management, low-risk strategies, front-office interference, and a lack of R&D in emerging fields. The production department is old and obsolete, both in methods and equipment. You have suggested new methods, but your advice has been rejected. You hope to gain the consultant’s support in creating a more innovative, R&D oriented organizational climate. Recently you have lost several of your key researchers to other companies. You think Brentwood’s lack of an incentive system tends to stifle any innovation. You would like to see the company use some of the techniques you used when you were at TRW, such as team building and reengineering.