2.7. Field studies against chilli fruit rot
Field trials were conducted to evaluate the biocontrol potential of P. guilliermondii
and H. uvarum against chilli fruit rot disease for two seasons. The experiment was
carried out during September to February, 2011 and 2012 at National Bureau of
Agriculturally Important Insects research farm. The experiment was laid out in a
randomised block design (RBD) in three replications with an individual plot size of
5×4m2 for each replication. Standard agronomic practices as per Horticulture
Research Station, University of Horticulture Sciences, Karnataka, India were
followed during the field experiments. The experiment included four treatments,
T1 – P. guilliermondii (2 × 108 CFU ml−1
), T2 – H. uvarum (2 × 108 CFU ml−1
T3 – fungicidal check (active ingredient – propiconozole 0.75 ml L−1
) and
2.7. Field studies against chilli fruit rotField trials were conducted to evaluate the biocontrol potential of P. guilliermondiiand H. uvarum against chilli fruit rot disease for two seasons. The experiment wascarried out during September to February, 2011 and 2012 at National Bureau ofAgriculturally Important Insects research farm. The experiment was laid out in arandomised block design (RBD) in three replications with an individual plot size of5×4m2 for each replication. Standard agronomic practices as per HorticultureResearch Station, University of Horticulture Sciences, Karnataka, India werefollowed during the field experiments. The experiment included four treatments,T1 – P. guilliermondii (2 × 108 CFU ml−1), T2 – H. uvarum (2 × 108 CFU ml−1),T3 – fungicidal check (active ingredient – propiconozole 0.75 ml L−1) and
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