Once you’ve gathered the ingredients the minced pork salad is really quick to make.
Like 10 minutes quick.
Although one thing I would urge you to do is to buy or make some ground toasted rice - khao khua. Rather than venture to the chinese supermarket in the snow I made mine by dry roasting sushi rice (I had run out of glutinous sticky rice) in a dry frying pan for around 15 minutes. You need to stir it constantly until it goes golden brown, then pound it to a rough powder with a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder.
The texture and flavour it adds is really fabulous, and although I have supplemented crushed peanuts and pine nuts in the past, the rice is more authentic and if you make a batch you can store it in a jar for another day.
Another bonus is that when you are toasting it the house fills with the smell of well cooked rice pudding.
We have this as a snack or starter with lettuce leaves. It is our new ‘go to’ dish for Friday-night-snacky-food for Happy Hour. I serve it with Little Gem lettuce as the leaves are kind of dainty which makes it easier to stuff a whole one in your mouth in one go.
All ladylike.