cardiovascular system, protect against heart diseases, heart attacks, strokes and prevent colon cancer. The fruit is an
excellent source of beta carotene that prevents damage caused by free radicals that may cause some forms of cancer.
Ripe fruit consumed regularly helps in habitual constipation. It is also reported that papaya prevents premature
aging. It may be that it works because a poor digestion does not provide enough nutrients to our body. The fruit is
regarded as a remedy for abdominal disorders. The skin of papaya works as a best medicine for wounds. Even you
can use the pulp left after extracting the juice from papaya as poultice on the wounds. The enzymes papain and
chymopapain and antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have been found helpful in lowering inflammation and
healing burns. The presence of vitamin A helps to restore and rebuild damaged skin. Applied papaya peel used as
skin lightening agent. When peel mixed with honey and applied it can act as soothe and moisturizers the skin.