The top ten markets
The top ten markets to the Maldives in 2014 include 6 markets from Europe and 4 markets from Asia. The total arrivals from these 10 markets sum up to be 876,281, which was 72.7% of all arrivals during the year. Ranking of the markets remained same as that of 2013 from 1st through 6th position. Markets switched positions in 2014 at 7th and 8th position with each other and 9th and 10th positions with each other. China remained as the number one market, strengthening its hold on the position accounting for more than onefourth of total arrivals to the country in 2014. While Germany and United Kingdom maintained their positionsat 2nd and 3rd positions respectively, both markets showed a slight decline in their shares. The Russian market,stayed at the fourth position, however the market share went down considerably from 6.8% in 2013 to 5.5% at the end of 2014. Italy and France stood at fifth and sixth positions respectively with 4.8% and 4.2% shares. Indian market stepped up to the 7th position with a slight increment to its shares from 3.4% in 2013 to 3.8% by 2014.Japan stepped down to the 8th place with 3.2% shares, Korea advanced one step up to the 9th position increasing its shares from 2.7% in 2013 to 2.9% at the end of 2014. The Swiss market lost its position to Korea and stepped down to the last position in the list with 2.6% shares in 2014.