Our study, based on a national sample of individuals followed for 17
years, replicates several findings from earlier studies based on less extensive
samples. For example, in this study, infidelity emerged as the most
commonly reported cause of divorce—a finding noted in an early review
by Kitson, Babri, and Roach (1985). This finding is also consistent with a
longitudinal study showing that infidelity among married couples is the
strongest predictor of later divorce (Amato & Rogers, 1997). Present research
cannot determine whether infidelity is a cause or a consequence of
estrangement between spouses, and trying to solve this issue is beyond the
scope of this article. The important point is that many people think that infidelity
is the cause of divorce. Infidelity appears to play a central role in
many people’s understandings of how their marriages unravel, and individuals
who cite infidelity as a cause of divorce show poorer adjustment
than individuals who cite other causes.
Our study, based on a national sample of individuals followed for 17years, replicates several findings from earlier studies based on less extensivesamples. For example, in this study, infidelity emerged as the mostcommonly reported cause of divorce—a finding noted in an early reviewby Kitson, Babri, and Roach (1985). This finding is also consistent with alongitudinal study showing that infidelity among married couples is thestrongest predictor of later divorce (Amato & Rogers, 1997). Present researchcannot determine whether infidelity is a cause or a consequence ofestrangement between spouses, and trying to solve this issue is beyond thescope of this article. The important point is that many people think that infidelityis the cause of divorce. Infidelity appears to play a central role inmany people’s understandings of how their marriages unravel, and individualswho cite infidelity as a cause of divorce show poorer adjustmentthan individuals who cite other causes.
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