before the importation in USA yet the imposed rules could be different
in function of the requirements imposed from the importation
countries. Concerning the cosmetic section, there have already been
some reprimands because in cosmetics coming from China the presence
of chromium, dexamethasone, chloramphenicol and metronidazole
higher than the allowed limits has been reported [40]. Moreover,
each cosmetic must have an appropriated exportation certificate
in order to guarantee the conformity with the destination country
4. Conclusions
The application of F-AAS and ICP-MS techniques, preceded by the
matrix mineralization, has allowed the quantification of heavy metals
in eye shadows. In many samples the lead was present within the
level permitted in cosmetics for external use and formulated according
to good manufacturing practices, but it exceed this limit in
four Chinese samples. The levels of cadmium, chromium and cobalt
were always low and within acceptable and safe concentrations for
the products made in Italy and USA, but the nickel concentration
exceeded the safe limit in many Chinese eye shadows. The overall
results indicate that eye shadows are likely harmful when they are
made according to current regulations, while products imported
from China can be harmful. Therefore, major quality controls are
recommended for products designed to enter in direct and long
contact with the skin of eyelids when imported from countries with
different regulations.