Asst. / Production Manager
1. Role and Responsibility
Manipulate the high precision system applying into all aspects of manufacturing units, planning and production control. With both communication clients and managements.
2. Job Description
2.1 To closely oversee routine control production plan, material requirement plan and coordinate with Sale Department for delivery schedule and seek optimum productivity of high quality goods.
2.2 To assist the Production Manager in improving and adjusting production process whenever required.
2.3 To closely oversee and improve existing quality control procedures within each section and at very subordinate levels.
2.4 To closely monitor the use / abuse of materials and lessen the scrap whenever possible. To arise with the Production Manager as to whatever improvements could be implemented.
2.5 To oversee and ensure constant application of safety measures in terms of:
-(A) health and accident safeguards for all subordinates.
-(B) adequate protection and usage of Company’s equipment
2.6 To show firm fair and unbiased leadership in close consultation with the Production Manager
2.7 To support advise and provide guidance to production supervisory staff whenever deemed necessary in the interest of overall production mechanism.
2.8 To initiate and formulate production for consideration by the Production.
2.9 To oversee product parts from subcontractor.
2.10 To report directly to the Production Manager on all aspects of duties and responsibilities.
2.11 To temporarily replace the Production Manager whenever latter should absent, indisposed, etc.
- This Job Description is non-exhaustive and the Production Manage may at any time delegate additional responsibilities whenever the needs may arise.
2.12 To receive the environmental policy from administrator and spread to officer.
2.13 To specific of objective, target, environmental Management System Planning (EMP) in company.
2.14 To push the officer to behave environmental Management System.
3. Job Requirement
3.1 Education: Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in related field.
3.2 Experience: More than 10 years working with high precision.
3.3 Competency: Computer skill must be advantage.