A schematic diagram illustrating the operation of compartments.
Frames A–D illustrate how liquid is stored and released in a
compartment; each frame shows a single microfluidic compartment
with an inlet and outlet channel with integrated TWIST valves. The
microfluidic channels (200 mm wide, 28 mm tall) and compartments
(2 mm diameter, 28 mm tall, VC # 90 nL) are embossed in PDMS and
bonded to a glass slide. Each frame (A–D) contains four panels—in
clockwise order starting from the upper left, they are: (i) a schematic
diagram of the compartment; (ii) a cartoon depicting the compartment
viewed from the side; (iii) an image of the compartment viewed
from an oblique position; and (iv) an image of a compartment.