581 Sukhapibal Road, Bangkapi,aBangkok 10240
Tel. 3779122
Personal Details
Age - 20 years Religion - Buddhist
Nationality - Thai Marial Status - single
Place of Birth - Ratchaburi Health - excellent
Activities - swimming , yoga Weight,Height - 50 kg.,160 cm.
- Graduated from Bangna Commercial College , 19….to 19….
Certificate in Vocational Education in Commerce with
cumulative grade 3.4
- Specialised in secretarial subjects :
- Thai shorthand speed ( 100 words a minute)
- English shorthand speed ( 70 words a minute)
- Thai typing ( 62 words a minute)
- English typing ( 75 words a minute
- Office machines used :
- typewriters ( all standard makers, including electric)
- adding machines
- calculators
- fax machine
- computers
- Honours and awards
Top prize in English Typing , 75 words a minute in 19…….
- School Activities
President of Typing Club for 2 years
Experience :
Part – time typist in summer 19…. At Sahasathaporn
Transport Co.
Reference :
- Dr. Malee Thompson , Director , Bangna Commercial
College, Prakanong, Bangkok 10250
- Mr. Sombat Sritrakul , General Manager, Sahasathaporn
Transport Co., 441 Pracha-uthis Road , Dindaeng ,
Bangkok 10300
ยุพดี เพชรพิมาณ. (มปพ.) ภาษาอังกฤษธุรกิจ 1(30001221) ISBN974-301-794-1
กรุงเทพ : ศูนย์ส่งเสริมวิชาชีพ