Mistake no. 1: Logistics 4.0 becomes important, but will not revolutionize our life.
Wrong, logistics 4.0 and its pre-stages do have the potential to design and operate value chains in a totally different way as well as to develop new business models. The Internet of things will also revolutionize logistics among others.
Mistake no. 2: Logistics 4.0 helps to reduce complexity.
Wrong, Complexity can only be handled with complexity. The response to increasing requirements of markets and the environment (customer expectation, resource scarcity, regulation, etc.) thus is flexibility and connectivity.
Mistake no. 3: Logistics 4.0 means maximum self organization.
Wrong, delegation of responsibility as well as de-centralizing of decision making do not mean that there is no space for designing and developing the system any more. It is all about the right degree of self organization and appropriate rules, accordingly.