it makes them more versatile than the other two spells, which come with a heavy cost and not a big difference in damage. With low AP moves like those two, you can cast your Diversion, summon a Double, use Invisibility, (etc) and still keep your hemorrhage stacks up. Not to mention if you come across an enemy that removes your AP, you'll still be able to accomplish a lot in your turn and your damage won't suffer as much as not being able to cast a 5 AP spell like Torment. Execution is the heaviest attack the Sram class has, both in cost and raw damage. Its effect makes it stronger the more Hemorrhage you inflict on an enemy, and when you do a critical hit, the effect doubles in power. Also, your double comes with 6AP and 4MP, while Execution costs 6AP and 1MP, which means he can take full advantage of this powerful attack if you end your turn with the enemy's back open for attacks.