• Test coverage analysis, Automated tests and Code refactoring have more influence on Code quality than Documentation.
• Code quality, Code integration frequency and Code inspection quality influence Software engineering techniques quality with the same intensity.
• Pursue for continuous improvement and Software engineering techniques quality have more influence over Development team competence than Development team teamwork skills.
• All participants present, Answer the three basic questions and Monitor sprint progress have more influence over Daily Scrum Quality than Fifteen minutes limit.
• Daily Scrum quality, Sprint items and priority not changed during Sprint and Development team competence influence Sprint progress with the same intensity.
• Size estimation quality and Task breakdown quality have less influence over Sprint backlog quality than Product backlog items are properly detailed.
• Broad and realistic goal, Team velocity defined, Sprint backlog quality and Sprint length influence Sprint planning quality with the same intensity.
• Sprint progress and Sprint planning quality influence Product increment quality with the same intensity.
• Stakeholders feedback, Check if acceptance criteria for
sprint items were achieved and Check if sprint goal was
achieved influence Sprint Review meeting achieves its
goals with the same intensity.
• Sprint Review meeting achieves its goals and Stakeholder feedback outside of the Sprint Review meeting influence Work validation quality with the same intensity.
• Negotiable, Independent, Considers non-functional requirements when necessary, Estimated size is small and Testable have less influence over Product backlog item
properly detailed than Clear acceptance criteria.